The objectives of The Lawyers’ Society are as follows:
To promote, protect and defend the rule of law, human rights, and liberties of all persons as set out in national, regional, and international instruments.
To promote unity among legal practitioners, to defend the integrity of the legal profession, and the independence of both the Organization and the Judiciary of Sierra Leone.
To promote justice, fairness and equity in the administration of the law, and advocate for improvement in the justice system, court processes, and law enforcement.
To promote and defend the principles of democracy, good governance, and accountability in the governance system in Sierra Leone.
To advocate for law reforms and support the enactment of laws that promote and enhance the economic, social, and political welfare of citizens of Sierra Leone.
To promote and advance continuing legal education and professional development, and to undertake projects or initiatives that benefit the members and the organisation.
To encourage and promote the use of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, such as mediation and arbitration, as a means of resolving disputes efficiently and fairly.
To advocate for the development and enforcement of laws that promote environmental protection and climate justice, ensuring that legal frameworks support sustainable development.
To foster good relations, cooperation, and collaboration between the Organization and other professional bodies or associations, both within Sierra Leone and internationally, with the aim of promoting global best practices in law.
To enhance good relationships and collaboration between the Organization and other professional bodies or associations, both domestically and internationally, to highlight and/or address professional and national issues.
To promote and advance continuing legal research, and innovation, and to establish or encourage the establishment of a National Law Library or other research facilities.
To promote gender equality, diversity, and inclusivity within the legal profession and advocate for laws and policies that advance the rights of women, children, and other vulnerable groups.
To promote the use of technology to enhance access to legal services, legal education, and public awareness of legal rights.
To establish and promote schemes for the provision of legal aid and advice to the indigents and marginalized groups, and to advocate for legal reforms that enhance access to justice for all.
To promote legal literacy and engagement among students, fostering the next generation of legal professionals and informed citizens.
To promote and encourage the highest standards of professional conduct, ethics, etiquette, professionalism, and discipline among its members.
To promote the welfare of its members and establish schemes to advance their professional, social, and economic well-being within the legal profession.
To provide the public information on the law, the legal profession, and the administration of justice, with the view of enhancing their understanding of the law and their rights, through public lectures, symposia, and other means of disseminating information and/or educating the general public.
To open, operate and maintain bank account(s) with reputable banking institution(s), and have the rights to draw up, accept, endorse, negotiate, possess, purchase and dispose of negotiable instruments, bills of exchange, bank drafts, credit facilities and such other instruments.
To acquire, own, possess, invest in and dispose of both realty and personality or such other interests in these assets.
To initiate, cause, institute action, prosecute, defend, oppose, support or join legal proceedings aimed at achieving the objects for which the Organization was established, and take such other lawful actions in furtherance of said objects.
To discuss, consider, comment on, advise or provide opinions on national issues and/or any legal-related matters affecting the general or a section of the public.
To receive donations, grants, gifts, and other forms of support from institutions, organisations or individuals, given in good faith for the furtherance of the objectives and other projects/events of the Organisation.
To impose, demand, and collect subscriptions from its members with penalties for non-payment.
To draft legal instruments for the Organisation and pass resolutions or bylaws to ensure the effective and efficient administration of the Organisation.
To do all such other things, whether of the like or any other kind, which the Organization may consider to be in any way incidental to, connected with, or conducive to the attainment of the above objects, or otherwise likely to be advantageous to the Organization.